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Web Design Final

So the first app that I added to my website is a visitor counter app. What this does app is it lets me know how many people have visited...

Time Lapse

My goal with this time lapse was to see the clouds move over a period of time. In my time lapse you can see the clouds move which is what...

How to Hit a Baseball

I love hitting I watch a lot of youtube videos about it and a lot of slow motion swings. Then I go out to my cage and practice them. They...

May 11th

April 31st

I woke and had breakfast with my mom and cleaned up around the house a little. I had to hit for awhile today because I was off so I had...

April 30th

I woke at 12 and stayed in bed till 1 because I couldn't get out of bed. I went on a run and hit after that. Then went to my grandparents...

April 29th

I woke up at 10 because my dad wanted me to help with yard work. Then I went back and had some breakfast and then hit and played catch. I...

April 28th

April 28th I woke up at about 12:30 and had some breakfast then I went to go for a run. After that I hit and played catch then hit. I...

April 27th

April 27th I woke had breakfast at about 11:30 which is early for me. After that I went out to play catch then hit and lift. After that I...

April 24th

I woke up at twelve ate some brunch then went out to hit and lift. Before I went to the field I decided to go for a run. I then went to...

April 23rd

I had very late night so I woke up at about one and didn't get out of bed till about two. I was super hungry so I got up and had some...

April 22nd

Today, I woke up at 12:30pm and laid in bed for another hour because I was really tired. I eventually got up had my brunch and went to...

April 21st

Today, I woke up at eleven o'clock which was the earliest I had been up since school was cancelled. I got my breakfast and went right to...

April 20th

Today, I woke up at around twelve o'clock and started my day with some brunch. After I was done eating I went outside and did my workout....

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